What to do with moving Boxes after Moving
Hooray! You completed moving, unpacked and arranged all items and furnishings well. It feels great being in a new home, right? But what are you planning to do with the big cluster of moving boxes? The Pile of boxes left after unpacking puts the house in disarray. To ensure you don’t stress over the boxes, go through our box handling tips.
Store them for future use
Storing the boxes only works when you have ample storage space. You can store them and use them for future packaging uses, or if you move often, they’ll be useful again.
Confirm if your Moving Company Can Reuse Them
Most moving companies buy or collect boxes to sell or give to clients with financial problems. If the boxes become an eyesore, you can give them to the moving company. Some companies have recycling programs to help them cut box buying costs. So, if you’re moving company doesn’t take the boxes, just look around your home area for other moving companies.
Let the Kids Play With Them
If you want to put your kids off video games and modern toys, keep the boxes. Kids can use them as drawing boards, in creating box toys, building fortress models, etc. Unlike modern games, the manual-made toys stir the kids’ creativity and they are source of kids’ entertainment
Wall and Floor Coverings During Painting
Wall paints fade quicker than you can expect. Painting professionals recommend you paint your home after every 3-5 years. But, when you have kids, 3 years may be too long. When painting you’ll require floor and wall coverings to prevent your floors from getting tainted. That is when the moving boxes come in handy.
Sell the Boxes
Well, you can also make a few bucks from selling the moving boxes. Plus, you’re likely to earn more from selling than recycling. If you can’t find a local buyer, go online. Multiple apps and companies link sellers and buyers of moving boxes. You can try Craigslist, eBay, Box Cycle, U-Haul Box Exchange, and Container Exchange.
Contact a Local Recycling Company
Recycling moving boxes can serve your wish of fighting global warming and environmental degradation. Manufactures make boxes mostly from wood and wood materials. By recycling, you’ll save a few trees from being cut.
Give the Boxes to Neighbors and Friends
When you don’t need the boxes, your next-door neighbor, friend or relative might need them. Ask around and contact a few friends to check if anyone might need the boxes.