Ways to prepare for a day of the heavy lifting

Ways to prepare for a day of the heavy lifting

When you’re preparing to move, you must plan well. Remember, you’re set for a physical, emotional, financial and a mental exercise. Besides, moving comes with heavy lifting which nobody fancies.

Heavy lifting requires ample preparation, tact and the right equipment to pack, load and offload the heavy items. Lest you take caution and prepare the right way, you might destroy items or injure yourself. So, how do you prepare for a day of heavy lifting?

Pack on Time

Packing itself is a strenuous exercise. To avoid the last-minute rush, start packing the items at least a week prior to moving. Separate all the brittle items and find a professional way of packing them. Make an inventory of all the heavy items when packing to know what kind of preparation and equipment you’ll require.

Besides, during the inventory, you might find items that you no longer use and moving with them might be unnecessary and costly. The best way forward is to donate or sell to reduce your moving load.

Look for the Right Equipment

Moving heavy items and packages in and out of the house is daunting. Finding the right equipment to simplify the task can be the best idea. While moving the equipment, you also must avoid scratching the floor and wall paints. Meaning you might need rolling blankets, moving dollies, floor protectors, seat covers or hand tracks to ensure seamless moving. You can consult reliable moving companies for the right equipment. If you’re moving on your own, you can rent the moving equipment.

Seek Packing and Moving Help

If you have friends or relatives who can stand by you when moving, great. You can request them to help you during and after moving. If not, you might need to source for a professional moving company. The beauty of enlisting a moving company is you only must supervise the movement or better companies can take over all the moving and set you free from the lifting.

Eat Healthy and Psyche Yourself Up

You must be at your best mental and physical shape when moving. Ensure your diet is top-level, take sufficient water, when moving in the summer. On a moving day, ensure you prepare meals on time and pack some snacks to munch on your way.

Not to forget, when moving, find the right clothing. You can get gloves to protect your hands and use overalls to protect your body. Also, note when lifting items avoid bending your waist to avoid back injuries. Instead, use your core or bend from the knees.


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