Downsizing? Moving into a Smaller Space

Downsizing? Moving into a Smaller Space

Rent can easily become the greatest check item on your monthly expenditure list. For most people owning a home they can call their own is among their major life goals. If achieving this call for moving into a smaller space, then there is no way to avoid hiring help Moving Portland Oregon. Do not expect it to be an easy adjustment to make. If you have children, prepare for the constant complaints before they finally settle in. Here are some tips to cope though the process;

Write down your priorities

Are there some items you feel you will not be able to manage without? Some that makes your life far much better or sentimental items that you will feel broken if you left behind? To start with, narrow your list to five but the less the better. If you are having a hard time creating this list, think of parts of your current house where you do not use often. Items in that area are not as important to carry over to your new space.

Look for inspiration

You are definitely not the first one to plan to move from a large living area to a smaller space. With the internet, you are likely to find others just like you. People who planned and executed the same and who are living fulfilled lives today. Organization ideas for small spaces, multi-use spaces and smaller than average are ideas to explore to make your story a success too.

Consider large furniture items

Before you get rid of that couch because you believe you will not need it, try to fit it into your new home. Some items you might already have might appear too bulky to move with but only when you settle in without them will you realize how important they are. Professional Residential moving companies can help you carry and arrange such large items in the new house before deciding what else to bring with you. You will be amazed at just how multipurpose large furniture items can be. If you have a large table, how about you close up the sides and use for storage as well?

Get rid of duplicates

This will work really well in the kitchen area where multiple appliances can do a single task. Put aside all items that appear to duplicate tasks already done by others. You might not want to give them out yet so setting them aside will help you in making storage arrangements.


Downsizing is never easy because apart from living without many of the things you were used to, you must adjust to a smaller space. Take your time to think through what is important to carry and stick to it. If it feels better, give out excesses to homes and relatives.

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