Come move day and you are disturbed that kitchen utensils that you thought would take an hour to pack are into the third and no real progress to show. Well, this is the reality of moving; an activity that you allocated a few hours could quickly take up the day and you would still not feel like you have achieved anything. It is easy to get stressed under such circumstances but you can do something about it. Actually, there are 10 ways to cope with the stress of moving;

  1. Ask for help – do not try to be a superhero when you can get help from Portland movers or siblings, relatives, and friends. You might be surprised at how eager they are to be invited to offer their muscle and support.
  1. Take a nap – with all the boxes waiting to be filled and all the items waiting to be packed, sleeping can spark a lot of guilt in some people. If you do not do it though, you will soon be dealing with burn-out.
  1. Hire Moving companies in Portland – depending on your budget, work situation and nature of furniture fittings you have, it could be a good idea to hire a team of commercial movers Portland. You can opt for flexible packages to fit your budget and situation.
  1. Stay organized – the best way to maintain order when planning for a move is to have your storage containers labeled as soon as they get into a room. Where does clutter go? Dirty clothes?
  1. Celebrate the small gains – the journey of a million miles begins with a tiny step. This analogy is true for moving as well. Accomplish small tasks in a room, you can even divide rooms into achievable chunks of tasks, then aim to complete these tiny goals as you progress.
  1. Allow reasonable time for tasks – packing up a studio apartment will take far less time compared to packing up a 3 bedroomed house. Use your living arrangement to allocate ample time for moving and resting in between.
  1. Embrace the pressure – stress is a normal part of processes that involve such massive movements of items. If you have accepted this fact, it will be easier to recognize cues to slow down.
  1. Keep contact with your current neighborhood – moving does not have to be the end of your relationships with neighbors. By keeping in touch, you will stay calm.
  1. Meet your new neighbors – doing this will allow you to have a community that is waiting for you on the other side. It is calming when you move into a neighborhood where people can refer to you by name.
  1. Plan for an event after the move –A dinner outing for your family, a trip out of town, barbeque with old neighbors? Pick one.
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